Thursday, July 7th, 2011 at 3:57 am
Here’s a smattering of shots from around the lab… eye candy! Titanoboa is really coming along, and the progress so far is amazing.

This is one of Titanoboa's brains. This is going to be one smart snake; electronic brains will be located all along it's spine.

These are the core of each vertebra. Through the centre of each ring will be the nerves of Titanoboa: control lines, power supply, hydraulic lines. It's very similar to the function spinal cord. Biomimcry in action!
Charlie, you’ve finally got a great use for that pink cowboy hat! Gonna miss you this year! Can’t wait for my signed photo with you, Polly and the Titanoboa
Are you guys really going to make it to scale? That’s going to be wild! do you guys mind If I link to you from the page I built?
NOW: If they could only get it to breathe FIRE!! Wouldn’t that be cool?! But not out of the mouth, out of the nose apertures…yeah!!
your project is awesome. Btw, can this snake rise its head/upper body up?