Archive for the ‘Progress’ Category


Recent progress at the lab…

Thursday, July 7th, 2011


Here’s a smattering of shots from around the lab… eye candy! Titanoboa is really coming along, and the progress so far is amazing.


Titanoboa Progress - Head & Body

Titanoboa mockup from Maker Faire. 15 vertebrae and the proto-head. Half the total length.

Titanoboa Progress - The Brains

This is one of Titanoboa's brains. This is going to be one smart snake; electronic brains will be located all along it's spine.

Titanoboa Progress - Vertebra Core

These are the core of each vertebra. Through the centre of each ring will be the nerves of Titanoboa: control lines, power supply, hydraulic lines. It's very similar to the function spinal cord. Biomimcry in action!

Titanoboa Progress - 1st Aluminum Vertebra

First aluminium vertebra!

Titanoboa Progress - Hydraulic Pistons

The first 1/3 order of hydraulic cylinders are in! Each with a 1 ton thrust capacity, these bad boys are 12 inches of sexy snake muscle.

Titanoboa Progress - Saddling Up

Saddling Up Titanoboa!

Titanoboa Progress - Ride The Snake

Our fearless leader: "Yeehawwwww!"